About vk3afw

I am a licenced amateur radio operator, first licenced in 1961. My work has mainly involved testing, calibration and measurement system analysis initially in aerospace and later in measurement standards.

VK3AFW’s WEB SITE and Blogging pages



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These pages are a repository of information relating to things I have built that might interest others.  It also includes some bloggs which may not be as interesting.

About me.

I was first licenced in 1961 and went on ait with an SCR522 WW2 aircraft transmitter, a super-regen receiver and a folded dipole.

My Buller Summit 2004

Yes that very serious bloke is me, trying to take a photo of my operation on the summit of Mt Buller in Decenber 2004. The camera operated before I smiled!  Equipment: a backpack station including an IC706 MkIIG and a MFJ 2m/70cm 4 element beam. Power was from  12 V gelcel.  Operation was primarily aircraft enhancement on 2 m and 70 cm into Sydney and Canberra.

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I have used my own photographs, technical flaws and all, rather than use the off the shelf perfect ones.  I hope you find some interesting.  I will add to them over time.